
Friday, December 18, 2015

18 More Christmas-y Quilts

Reel Quilts
An elegant reel block quilt  in red and green. 1850- likely from Maryland. Love the secondary design created by the  block placement and of course that swag and tassel border!
Close up of the swag border- look at the quilting under the green swag piece - yes those are 2 spoons. Now look above the swag- a pair of quilted scissors. Be sure to click on the photo to enlarge so you can see the quilting.

And here is another Reel block but this one is a left over from a dated 1846 Reel quilt top and it was recycled into a  English paper pieced Star quilt dated 1850, shown below.

Enoch and Mary Hoopes Worrall's signature quilt from Chester Co., Pennsylvania.. The corner reel blocks are from a reel quilt made for Enoch and Mary's daughter, Mary Worrall. The Worrall's were Quakers and the quilt is family record/genealogy quilts with other wonderful details.

1 comment:

  1. These are beautiful! I live in Chester County and know some Worralls, I wonder if they are related?
