
Friday, February 10, 2012

Antique Makeover PA Style, Part 2

Block 2 of my current challenge quilt (reproducing several antique quilts).  See prior post for the 1st block, challenge fabrics and inspirations.

This block is an adaptation of 2 different basket blocks.  My main inspiration was a circa 1860, 9 block whig rose, rose of sharon or democrat rose quilt with a great floral basket border part of my antique quilt collection.

I wasn't super fond of the center flower so I substituted the center of an elaborate  4 block Pot of Flowers quilt, circa 1875, also part of my collection.

Here's a close-up from the Whig Rose, Rose of Sharon, enjoy!  Check out the amazing intense quilting.  Triple line, triple rod quilting, very close.


  1. mmm mmm mmm, looks gorgeous! Just what I needed to see to start off my beautiful day.

  2. Oh another block. Keep them coming.
